(Oops, I thought I’d published this on the day)
Lines of thought: the emergence of meaning through collaborations and remix – Wendy Taleo and Sarah Honeychurch

Looking at learning with technology through the lens of creative projects

Remixed into representation in colours

Remixing the collaborative poem into music
Sustainable learning design in large transformational teaching and learning initiatives – Courtney Shalavin and Elaine Huber

Birgit acknowledges that describing the spread of innovation as a virus probably isn’t the best thing to do these days 🙂
Exploring industry-university partnerships in the creation of short courses and micro-credentials – Rachel Fitzgerald and Henk Huijser

This feels like another one of these discussions that haven’t changed for a decade. I’m glad that it is still on the agenda but is this a fundamental flaw of research – a hesitancy to take a position and move forward?
I asked Henk why movement has been so slow in this space – he feels it comes down to a lack of shared understanding and challenges for unis in dealing with the business models needed
Lots of rich discussion – this is clearly something that still has relevance to a lot of people.
Creating presence, currency and connection in digital learning with video blogs – Jo Elliott and Chie Adachi

Reflection on the design process

And that’s it for me – sadly, the real world is calling.
Thanks to everyone that has shared their ideas and work, it has been great. Thanks also to ASCILITE for putting this on.
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